Engineered for Research || Evolved for Education


For K-12

MiRo is an animal-like robot inspired by the simple premise that animals have forms of physical, emotional and social intelligence that are desirable in future robots. MiRo is intended to appeal to everyone, and to interact in a natural way. As an education tool MiRo is designed to help students learn about STEM subjects, particularly computing and digital technologies. Using the MIRoCODE programming environment, students will be able to create their own programs and try them on-screen, in a full-physics simulation, before transferring them to the MiRo robot

For Higher Education and Universities

MiRo-E allows students to learn and expand their knowledge and imagination through exploring robotics and technology, to develop team-working, problem solving and AI coding skills. The unique educational software lets you simulate and test your student’s code live on a web browser.

The newly engineered MiRo-E is a highly specified, low-cost, flexible, autonomous and fully programmable robotic platform for students, educators, researchers, and developers. Universities and colleges worldwide are using MiRo as a platform for research and teaching in robotics and artificial intelligence. Some areas of interest include:


Computing Human-Robot Interaction Machine Learning
Assistive Robotics Cognitive Robotics Sobot assisted theraphy
Biomimetics Problem Solving Social Robotics

Programming Interface

MiRo’s are fully programmable with either our intuitive MIRoCODE interface or with the coding tools in the MiRo Developer Kit (MDK), both feature a Gazebo-based full-physics robot simulator. Full physics means you can see what might actually happen in the real world (although simulation can never be quite the same as the real thing!).
Contact us to know more about MiRo-E